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Category: Blog

The Hidden Perils of Watering the Lawn

Watering the lawn is something home owners do every day. It seems harmless enough. In fact, many people do it on autopilot, setting up sprinkler systems and timers to water automatically. But in rare cases, watering your lawn can cause major financial headaches....

The Hidden Perils of Watering the Lawn


Renting a Car or Bike? Be Sure Safety Goes Along for the Ride!

It’s an absolutely beautiful summer day, and the forecast for the next few days is even better. Suddenly, renting a convertible for a leisurely drive down the coast or a trail bike for a ride in the countryside seems like the perfect answer for a short, but much needed getaway from everyday stress and strains....

Renting a Car or Bike? Be Sure Safety Goes Along for the Ride!


Taking a Cruise? Insurance Can Be Your Life Preserver

Do your vacation plans this summer include sailing the sunny seas to remote climes? Onshore adventures featuring jeeps and zip lines? Driving golf balls into the ocean? Will your daily wardrobe range from a bathing suit at the pool to evening wear at a luxury night club? And all while never leaving your “hotel”?...