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Category: Blog

Personal Data: Enjoy 'May Day' without 'Mayday'

If your family member raced into the living room screaming, “May Day! May Day!” would you prefer they be announcing a party for May 1 or a personal data disaster Mayday?...

Motorcycle Passenger Tips for Spring

As the weather heats up, motorcycle enthusiasts across the U.S. prepare their bikes for the first ride of spring. Make sure your bike and your riding partner are ready to get back on the road again with the following motorcycle passenger tips and checklists....

Motorcycle Passenger Tips for Spring


Irrecoverable Property Loss? The IRS Could Be Your Friend

Even though we are big fans of insurance and its valuable place in your protection planning, we also understand this basic truth: No one wants to have a claim....

It's Not Easy Going Green

You’ve heard about “green.” You know it has to do with eco-friendly buildings, vehicles and systems. Now you’re hearing more and more insurance companies touting “green” offerings. What does this mean to you?...